Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Skateboards are here!

Finally done it, got the boards and they look fresh and sick and ill and all that...

They're are currently available in Exist, Swansea and soon to arive in me old local Spine, Worcester!

Last but not least Dawseys Skateshop will be taking pre orders i heard!

You can buy online here at Exists online shop!

Brown Bread.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

The Horror Team Challange!

The horror team challange consists of TWO teams, one captain being Jack Kirtley and the other Ollie Adams. The two teams will make videos based around skating in swansea, within these videos the teams must tick boxes for challanges, the challanges are as follows:

Sit and drink a four pack and get a kickflip down castle 4 stair.

Do a 360 hippy jump.

Get an NBD down castle 4!

Get a handrail stunt.

Skate a rooftop spot (no obvios multi-story car parks).

Film a line in the quadrant shopping centre.

The graffiti wang challange.

Manual the whole curb at TF 2...trick out.

Everyone get a different trick down Patti 5 stair.

Whole team hill bomb.

Get a gnarly photo with Jon Jones.

D.I.Y. spot challange.

Get a wallride stunt.

Let the battle commence! The time it all takes depends on weather and availability...stay tuned.

Monday, 2 November 2009


Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?

A. To get away from this bunch of idiots...

Friday, 30 October 2009

Two heads is better than One...

Six heads? well that's fantastic!

Last Words.

I Got High.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Horror Bromo: Jack Kirtley.

Filmed and Edited by Jay Fish!


Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The trip to Wednesfield Gnar Gore comp

Some tricks from the horror boys in there

Monday, 19 October 2009


Coming Soon...

It's no secret.

Another Jay Fish poster

We worked hard on Brain Washing this one.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

A day of secret loveliness part 1

Found something SICK.

More 3 way blog action

Thats not a football Jay Fish

Having a super 8 time

Robbo and Dan looking for place to do some 8mm bumming

Blogging a 3 way



Enter the SICKness.

found something really SICK.

A day of secret loveliness part 2

Jack likes to steal John Fishers peas

Oblivious John not realizing that Jack has gone for a pea

Robbo likes to be chuffed

The horror boys looking happy

The Jay Fish eating Fish

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Nice little update on the boards

Re: horror skateboards‏
From: A Third Foot
Sent: 16 October 2009 12:54:06
To: horror boards (horrorboards@live.com)

Hi Fellas,

We'll be ordering the transfers at the start of next week - we were
waiting for some other artwork to be ready. So we should be able to
get your order done within the next 3 weeks.



Today was sick

Tripped up to the Battle of the Black Country today, killed it, here's some inapropriate pictures that don't involve skateboards.

Here's John looking well

This is why john was feeling much better

Lucky John's got his buddys to make him feel better

What a lovely snap

Friday, 16 October 2009


Sam Austin Everybody!


...Skateboards coming very soon.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Where is John Fisher?

...he's at the Horror flat chillin' and eating vege sandwiches.

Monday, 12 October 2009

What's been Happening?

...Well to be honest It's been too long and I can't remember! Let me see...

1. New little Video!

2. Skateboards are on thier way! Arriving in 3 - 4 weeks, we will post pics and let you know how to buy one when they arrive!

3. Exist video trailer: http://vimeo.com/6099656 HYPE.

4. My wrists hurt.

5. Proper website coming soon at: www.horrorskateboards.co.uk

Friday, 10 July 2009

Polished No.2.

You know those little fruit shortcake biscuits? yes, they are very good with tea.

Photo: Jon Jones. Craftwork: Nightmare.


Buttery Scones.

Jones came out and took some snaps, i got bored and did some Ads.


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Monday, 6 July 2009

It's a Tang Thang.

Jack and Dan at the new Swansea Hot Spot.

Fuck Castle Gardens.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Casual Grinder.

Horror's Got Wood.


Charlie Wise?

'Who's Charlie Wise?'
'It's just Dan isn't it?'
'Oh yeah right you are'


Thursday, 25 June 2009

Rad Stunts and Shameless Promotion.

Some more Blackpill magic and you get one of those sweet T's.


Forgot about this one....

...not sure how seeing as it's a total Banger!

Horror for Life.


Polishing Turds

Went to Stroud plaza, fun stuff, bad filming, enjoy....

Shit turned to glitter?


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Fuck Big Brands...

...BUT embrace their smooth floors and nice benches.


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

June? Really?

Thought I'd write on this thing as I haven't in a while!

What happened recently?...well i can't for the life of me remember but there are sure to be some video's coming up (including one that IS up on youtube but not up here for the iTunes yet) An early morning Tesco session with Jack, Ollie and Scotty!

Expect a Stroud plaza(?) edit very soon with some tasty extras.

PLUS new boys....

Fuck big brands,


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Monday, 25 May 2009

Friday, 22 May 2009

What's that Smell?

Even more stuff for the lucky few that look at this!


Have a nice bank holiday and sit expectantly and wait for great things.


Monday, 18 May 2009

Some good stuff happening recently....

for example over at the Exist Clothing website!!!

click HERE for total annihilation!

Watch Nightmare Jon and Scotty at Hereford park (go there it's a treat) AND Scott Jones vs. Sam Austin in the finals of Swansea game of S.K.A.T.E.!!!

Saturday, 16 May 2009


....that's right everyone, Jack Bloody Nightmare shrugged the competition of his shoulders last night and got 1st place in Swansea's game of SKATE, what a champ.

Keep your eyes peeled for footage of the event at the ExistClothing website.

For now here's Nightmare in his younger years douching around middle earth somewhere...

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Swansea S.K.A.T.E. Finals!

Nightmare got through, here's how it happened...

Be there, FRIDAY, SIGMA, BOOZE, MOVES and lots of FUN!!!


Sunday, 10 May 2009

Wank Holiday...

...sounds a bit like Bank Holiday, which is what this video documents AND more.

Hope you enjoyed your bank holiday and it certainly wasn't wank,


Monday, 27 April 2009

We Are Militant!

We're not really militant, but we do love to go skateboarding, here's some PROOF.

Take back the streets, and your house and have lots of fun doing so,


Sunday, 19 April 2009

We're Taking Over.

Advertising has commenced...

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

'I'm not made of videos!'...

...is definately something you wouldn't catch me saying, here's another treat for you, easter style! Includes extras in which Jack and Robbo reveal a (secret).

Now go and celebrate life and birth and stuff.


Monday, 13 April 2009

Lots and Lots of Clips

Maybe too much footage to go through but i will rule the clips and make them form a brilliant and entertaining easter video!

Keep em' Peeled!

Horror Today Gone Tomorrow.

Here's a treat for you, some bits n' bobs that don't fit in anywhere else! Don't let that put you off though they're AMAZING and well worth a watch.

Go Skateboarding!

Charlie Wise mixes it up.

Guest edit of a sleepless night with Jack and Dan by Charlie Wise musician extraodinaire and general legend.

Music by Charlie Wise .


Saturday, 28 March 2009

That's Entertainment!

Another graphic to print once we've done our heist and got loads of SWAG.

Send us some money!


Monday, 16 March 2009

More Swansea game of S.K.A.T.E.!!!

The Horror Boys go head 2 head!

Go to the ExistClothing website and click the SKATE link, it's a good un'



Sunday, 15 March 2009

Get up and Go Go!

Got a gang together and went to put bangers in the mash.

Go and land that shit and ALWAYS roll smooth son!


Tuesday, 10 March 2009

How to: Beat the Blues.

And behold on the seventh day God created curbs, and they were good!
Jack and Danny make the sun shine (in our hearts) on a rainy day.

'when the rain duth fall, thou shalt still hath a ball' the big G.O.D.


Saturday, 7 March 2009

Wanna Be In My Gang?

Join our gang and get yourself one of these amazing 'Gang Bangers' T Shirts.

Will be available SOON.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Hello everyone, just a quick edit of some bits skating in the car park last night, I'm the one playing 'Bad Guy Filmer' behind the camera.

Diarrhoea: 1. as in; the incredibly irritating disease.
2. refering to a skateboarding manouvre; as smooth,
or refering to a succesion of manouvres;'nice run'= Diarrhoea(the runs).


Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Swansea game of S.K.A.T.E. update!!!

Check me out playing my game at 'Carnage at the Castle' go to the ExistClothing website and click the SKATE link to see how it went.



Monday, 2 March 2009

Horror Pizzas 'OUT NOW'

Delicious Pitta Pizza's, i have one left and i'm really stuffed, they were awesome.

Fuckin' Yum Aye!

Fat Jack.

went skating.......AGAIN!

Yep, unbelievable, we did it again, another corker of a Sunday Session video for your beady little eyes to gaze upon.

Same time next week?


Swansea Game of S.K.A.T.E.

I (Jack) played my game of S.K.A.T.E. at the castle last night, lets just say shit went down.

Keep up to date at the Exist Clothing website (Support your Local Skater Owned!)
Click title to link to the Exist site.


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Game of NO

Horror Skateboards presents a game of NO

Some Rules

Only no complys
No boneless or handplants
only one foot on ground
hand flips allowed
offensive toe drags one do over
last letter get two attempts

16 contestants
send us a email or tell us


Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Take a Ride.

Hello devout fans!

Went skateboarding today and took the old cycles for transportation,
peek them in this terrific day edit.

Now get a bike and go skate,


Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Rad Retro Riders!

That's right, the Horror boys have new rides, and they're rad!

Photo by TyronFrancis (www.tfrancis.co.uk)

Had a really nice day on our new cycles today,
riding up the coast into the sunset and shredding some good old
blackpill mini ramp magic, i'm off to pimp my ride, gold spray,


Thursday, 12 February 2009

Hanging over and Hanging loose.

Anyone pissing themselves?.....
....I am.

Cheers to drinks on friday and skates on saturdays!


Monday, 9 February 2009

Corporate mainstram bloodsucking zombies anyone?

Here's a lovely picture showing off the mad steez of Horror 'D.I.why?' Text Tee.
These are hitting the streets at £12.50, contact for purchasing enquiries.
Horror H.Q. (01792) 410080

Go Go Team Twat!
(The resulting name given to our beer crushing beer wizard warrior couragousness).

Peace and Carrots,


Will you be my B.F.F?

Make friends with Horror!

Horror on myspace!

Horror on Facebook!

Eternally hoping you'll buy our stuff,


New Blog?

Yep, new blog site up now, obviously.

It's monday just gone midnight and Ollie is shredding Harvest Moon for the seventh hour in his session so far, the music is so fucking lovely it would cheer any bi-polar madman into a huge fit of extreme love, or so i suspect.

I'm sat on the computor (my new fuckin' laptop) for the ninth hour of browsing awesomness and boom, let's go blog!

So there it is, another site to be updated now and again with various exciting bits of imagery, text and don't forget the never ending spiral of TEASERS!

Have a nice day and don't be a stranger.

